It was a cold winter morning; I somehow decided to clean up the mess that had build up in the due course of my stay in my house. As I was cleaning I picked up empty cans, chocolate wrappers, waste papers, old magazines, lots of dead insects and an armada of red ants (God! they can reach anywhere….). As I turned my eyes towards the ceiling, I saw big cob-webs hanging down, with insects hooked up in them and the Spidy was moving from one to another. I haven’t realized until then that I was living in a shithole, I loathe cleaning but the circumstances compelled me to get into my boxers with a broom in my hand. The broom was small (or may be my height is not that much…..) it didn’t reach the ceiling. So, I went out looking for those damn long cob-web cleaners. I went to the store room (behind the garage). God, that place stinks. My mom has this habit of keeping all those old, torn up things in there. She wouldn’t throw a penny (isn’t it the common trait in all the girls and women……pssss). As I was looking for the web cleaner my eyes felt on the cradle, thrown in the corner in a rickety condition. The clothes and the cover had holes in them. It was covered with plethora of dust particles. On the top there was a bar with chimes hanging right in the middle. There used to beads on them, but it was all gone. Some stuffed animals used to hang there. They are no more. I went into flashback. I used to love these stuffed toys, especially the tiger (Lucky Calvin…he never grows up and can still keep Hobbes). Besides the cradle was my Pooh…with one eye missing and cotton hanging out of his stomach. There used to be many other guys, but all of them were found nowhere. They had all deserted me or was it vice-versa? Whenever I used to cry my Mom used to bring the stuffed bear (I used to call him Boo….) and I would stop crying. In the cradle I would grasp Pooh with my one hand and then I would sleep, rest assured that I was safe ( my thumb would be in my mouth…….Ya, I used to suck my thumb and am not proud of it).
When I started to walk on my tiny legs my Dad brought me a wheelie. I used to enjoy walking a lot. I would hold my wheelie and run all around the house, my mother used to run behind me with the milk bottle in her hand. I hated milk. The wheelie was lying there, dumped on the old sofa, with no wheels.
As time passed by I got a new partner, my middle bro. He had those big rosy cheeks and amber eyes. He was sweet like hell. I used to pull his cheeks or would kiss on them and he would cry in loud cacophony. I was confused, what the hell did I do? But I hated him when he would try to take my stuffed toys. He always wanted only those things with which I was playing. He had this bad habit of snatching things. I don’t know why but I don’t like to share them with him. If he urges too much, I would throw them at him and then a fist followed. He would cry and GAME OVER!!!.....the result, always the same, I lost. Mom would come running and would take him in her arms, and would scold me “ Anshu, you are not a child. You are three years old, be civilized and love your brother. He is your little bro……” I used to wonder what “being civilized” means, anyway who cares.
As days rolled by, the size of my toys grew alongside me (atleast they seemed bigger during those days). My father brought me a cricket bat and a plastic ball. By that time my middle bro was four and my youngest bro was two. Me and my middle brother used to play cricket in the backyard with my youngest brother watching us with those amusing eyes. We used to draw wickets on the walls. I hated balling so I always cheated. I rarely give him a change to bat. God, was I bossy and mean.
Now, I am 24 and my brothers are studying in engineering college. Now, as I looking to those stuffed toys, bat, cradle… I thought how stupid I was back then. I would talk hours with Pooh. I would always keep my bat near my bedside. I hated when someone even touches them. I was very possessive. But along the way I learned the joy of sharing things…..But HEY!!! Don’t even dare to touch my computer or my Ipod……. ;)
Now, first of all it doesnt seem to fit the bill that a couch potato like you will show such alacrity in "cleaning the house".... :P
And yes, i knew a lot of things about your childhood going through these excerpts from the blog-
1) "I used to love these stuffed toys, especially the tiger."
2) "I used to suck my thumb..."
3) "I hated milk."
4) "I hated bowling so I always cheated."
5) "God, I was bossy and mean."
6) "I hated when someone even touches them(toys). I was very possessive. But along the way I learned the joy of sharing things"
Indeed, very nice post...may be your best. Nicely expressed. I felt a vicarious feeling of my childhood through your blog. And finally, knowing you, i can safely construe that your nature at this stage of your life also is not a far cry from your childhood days.
well written but sounds a little chimerical for reasons more than one.
a) you wielding a broom for cleaning cobwebs...flimsy, I must say!
b) your home being the resting place for ants... I have known your mom to be a cleanliness freak:P
c)you remember your childhood antics (before sweet little bro arrived)... I must pat you for your sharp as a tack memory!
the language is good. And the piece is nostalgic. You have managed to shove us into our childhood days... where getting attached to a particular toy was so common. Before we became wonks or chipmunks ,as you call it, our good old soft toys were the only source of joy an catharsis.
I found the ending a little hurried. You were going so strong and had whetted my appetite to quite a degree..and the piece came to a halt. In a way, that's all a piece needs to do, right?
I hope you won't find the dissection too acrid. Good faith, sonny.
Nice to read about the thumb sucking days....Most of the things are common to all kids...Nicely written...Went back to remember my childhood as mothers do compare...I just wanted to know how much you cried in your kiddy days..I used to cry little but was obdurate since childhood..
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