When I was at the end of the corridor,near the O.T, I saw group of people with their eyes drenched with tears. I came to know that actually there were two families,one was celebrating the birth of a baby boy and hence were crying with joy , while near to it was another family mourning at the death of their grandfather.Both the families where crying. It seems that two books with different content have same covering[Remember: Looks can be deceptive....]. I stand there motionless,perplexed,not knowing where to go, should I see the child first?or the face of the dead man??Standing in between life and death,not knowing which path to choose, I stood still watching and realizing the mysterious “EMOTION'S PLAY”.I saw EMOTION in its various form: Love, Lust,Anguish,Sorrow,Joy,Hope ........

I returned to my hostel,my mind still in the hospital.....
Life is very small and in this small span whom should we love and whom should we hate?? Because whatever we do finally we get attached,and attachment causes pain,suffering.But can anybody remain alone,unattached?? Why is it so that everything that we love has to perish??People loving someone,have the fear of losing their love,people hating someone have a constant apprehension of vengeance.Everybody in this world is leading a fearful life,no body is happy.....
All are engaged in the rat race ,trying to find an extra loaf of bread,and extra shelter not knowing that what they are accumulating will perish one day. In the process of accumulation they are bluffing,hating,killing others. Pain of one is the source of joy to other [Darwin's law: Survival of the fittest....]
But what is the use of all the materialist thing,when they lie on the death's bed??I remembered a quote from The Gita
“What is today yours,
was yesterday somebody else's,
and tomorrow it will be of somebody else”
You have come in this world to play your character,so play it good so that you can be remembered for ages.Because what is unperishable is name,soul....everything else in this world will turn into ruin one day or the other.So do not attach yourself to this materialistic world it will cause only pain.............

In childhood I heard story about Gautam Buddha. After that I was very upset. I had realized I had to die someday. I was so afraid of death. I did not wanted to die, I wanted to become God. Slowly slowly I realized that time of Death is not in your hand. You cannot escape it.( i may write some day About my believes on death.).
I fear to be in hospital, I can not bear out my emotions. It is way humans express their emotions makes human unique.
seems that your visit to hospital was really emotionful. But you did not told that finally you celebrated life aur death. Geeta verifies the fact that when we die is like that our soul changes its clothes. So we must face both forms equally. Still we celebrate only Birth. Keep writing.
Let me tell You something more from Gita....I can't really quote give out Quotes,for I have read it a long time back..The main content was that-Only the one who is satisfied with himself can remain unattached..we should try and locate PEACE within ourselves for nothing else can immune us to the harsh ways of Life...If we think about it deeply,everything that we do,is done precisely in our quest for Peace-be it economic stability or mental satisfaction...However,as the Gita says, trying to locate Peace beyond You, creates an attachment for things that we can never own in entireity or eternally,rendering our Quest futile...
-Just a Lurker..
Life and death are the two parts of a single coin,we should take it as casually.If, we take it seriously then we may not enjoy our life fully.We should live in present because neither Life or Death is in OUR hand.So,we should not bother about that.Live in present ,enjoy the Life.. that should be our Moto.Lord KRISHANA told in GITA that thing too.....
Anyways the approach is awesome and i want to congrats you.I enjoyed the BLOG. Keep it up.
just imagine, how the life would be, if we remain unattached to everyone. It would be worse than death. You say attachment, be it of any form, causes pain. But i say, pain is something that is a part of life, a emotion, just as happiness is. Then why do we run away from pain and sorrow? I do not refute Gita but this is what i think.
Grt post, the best you have written so far. nice message.
I hope you apply at least 0.0001% in to your life as well. That will change your world and most importantly, YOU.
Born from light
Born for flight.
tinkling bright
illuminating your summer night.
I am a firefly
I shall give light until I die.
Golden fleece
breathing peace
tied to fence
butchered for pence.
I am a sheep
I shall roam until I sleep.
We are bubbles. Effervescent, floating but only till we fade into oblivion. Everything is so hazy in the world of maddening thoughts. That which seems so pleasing today becomes a thorn in the eye tomorrow. Today someone we love with all we have got, tomorrow we vie for blood. Everything is so transient these days ( it has always been actually!!) that we can't remain glued to one thing/person/joy/sorry. You cling and you are gone.
The best way out is perhaps to play on your dice. let the roulette decide. I am pretty much suggesting the Gita way of dealing with things.."do your duty.. forget your frootie!!". Life/death are subtle issues and I am not the correct person to say things ..still I think in any case we live and move on. People are born.. we celebrate and then they start flowering. Parents find them revolting. They find them a pain their neck. Children go out, they study, they booze. They make someone laugh and they are the cause of tears. But in every case, life keeps moving. stagnancy is death. In a swamp, life dies a choking death. celebrate life, mourn death. But nothing changes anything. You play your role and make your exit. Any rewards you would earn would be posthumous.( That is what Heath taught me!!).
And about attachment.. well strings are bad things. They cut you dead but still you hold on. I think most of us deem these strings to be some kinda rope.. a godsend for helping us to stay on the cliff and prevent us from falling. It is the will that holds us. We think it's the rope. Attachment is a myth. We are making a try to survive.
super post. As always, I thought a lot and wrote a lot. But that is the magic of your keys. They always roll out gems.
keep penning.
I think Attachment and detachment are two faces of one coin. I mean how can you detach from something if you are not attach to it? And I think the pain or sorrow that comes with attachment is something that is part n parcel of life and if u want to live life you must experience it or rather feel it. And why we always talk about sorrow? Look at the immense joy or happiness that we get from this attachment. And our life becomes more meaningful because of this attachment.
You have so nicely portrayed two opposite ideas of life in front of us.
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