Monday, November 24, 2008
Thoughts in the time of exams
We didn't even bother to go to classes or take notes of the classes that we have missed(when will reach to infinity),but hey we are present in all our classes according to the attendence resigter. Proxies always help and this is the only part we are good at. We realise what mistakes we have committed.......We have bunked classes to see some stupid hindi movies(no need to mension the names ,there are a lot these days),We have played cards,counterstrike whole night long only to miss classes in the morning(Well do we still call 10am.....a morning??.....God knows).
Mistakes are fun do them even when you know its a mistake.
Now as the days progress and exams come nearer and nearer,the tension gets build can find guys running in the corridors with notebooks in their hands.....and seeing that you get more tensed......Well does anybody know the boiling point of the must be high else many of our brains would have gone(now I understand what is skull for........)
Then there are exam breaks, most of which is spend in copying those jungling words into our blank notebooks.The breaks are over and we haven't read a bit!!!
Then comes the exams days,and exams hours.......words and symbols are all swimming in the question paper( Taare Zameen I also suffering from some disease),well we have written something on our answersheet(well our names atleast...else the whole paper would have been blank).The exam hour are over and we take a deep breath...and somehow escape the discussion of the question among the toppers(damn those muggers!!!)
When the answersheet are shown,we have got somemarks atleast(partmarking adds to lot.....).And then there come those regular dialouges”You have performance is very poor....tell me you problem.....anyways I have somehow managed to pass you this time......try to do better next time”
“Yes Sir!!!(thank you...thank you a lot).Sir I will do better next sem,I promise.But do we really keep our promise.....well they are made to be broken........and there we go again cards, counterstrikes and movies...........
Saturday, September 20, 2008
When I was at the end of the corridor,near the O.T, I saw group of people with their eyes drenched with tears. I came to know that actually there were two families,one was celebrating the birth of a baby boy and hence were crying with joy , while near to it was another family mourning at the death of their grandfather.Both the families where crying. It seems that two books with different content have same covering[Remember: Looks can be deceptive....]. I stand there motionless,perplexed,not knowing where to go, should I see the child first?or the face of the dead man??Standing in between life and death,not knowing which path to choose, I stood still watching and realizing the mysterious “EMOTION'S PLAY”.I saw EMOTION in its various form: Love, Lust,Anguish,Sorrow,Joy,Hope ........
I returned to my hostel,my mind still in the hospital.....
Life is very small and in this small span whom should we love and whom should we hate?? Because whatever we do finally we get attached,and attachment causes pain,suffering.But can anybody remain alone,unattached?? Why is it so that everything that we love has to perish??People loving someone,have the fear of losing their love,people hating someone have a constant apprehension of vengeance.Everybody in this world is leading a fearful life,no body is happy.....
All are engaged in the rat race ,trying to find an extra loaf of bread,and extra shelter not knowing that what they are accumulating will perish one day. In the process of accumulation they are bluffing,hating,killing others. Pain of one is the source of joy to other [Darwin's law: Survival of the fittest....]
But what is the use of all the materialist thing,when they lie on the death's bed??I remembered a quote from The Gita
“What is today yours,
was yesterday somebody else's,
and tomorrow it will be of somebody else”
You have come in this world to play your character,so play it good so that you can be remembered for ages.Because what is unperishable is name,soul....everything else in this world will turn into ruin one day or the other.So do not attach yourself to this materialistic world it will cause only pain.............
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The price of the dead......
“ Sir, can you please give me some rupees, I have not taken any food since four days,”came a mellowing voice while I was taking a nap in my cosy seat, while I was traveling from my home to my hostel in a train. I just waved my hand , I didn't care even to look who he was, how he looked. After a few minutes or two I heard the same line in the same voice.
“How dare you wake me up”, I shouted at him,and stared at him with my eyes opened big.
“Sir , can you please give me some rupees, I have not taken any food since four days,”
“So, what can I do” I said in full rage .
“Sir, please give me ...........”
“Go some where else you tiny piece of shit,and don't dare touch me again.”But he didn't moved....
“Go away from here ,”I pushed him hard,he fell on the floor of the train and started crying!!!
“Why do they give birth to these child if they can't take care of them,they just wait for them to grow and leave them to beg.....ridiculous.You know they even steal in train.”
“Yes begging has become a million dollar industry”my co-passenger informed me in return.
The train came to halt and I boarded a taxi to my hostel .
Next day in the morning ,while I was just going through the newspaper my eyes felt on the photo ,which was a the corner of the third page.In the photo was a dead body of a nine year boy.He was boney and his stomach kissed his back. Underneath the photo was a caption “....unrecognized body found near the station...” when I saw the face of the dead body's face I recognized that I have seen him some where,but can't remember where.O God!!! its the same boy whom I refused to give money,so that he can eat. I regretted now.....How much I have saved a meager
10 or 5 rupees, but that amount could have saved his life,had he ate that day.Was that the price of the dead........Rs 10 or a photo on the corner of the third page.............
P.S: the photo has been taken from a website :
Sunday, August 31, 2008
those eleven minutes.....
Today I am going to write my first blog as I was in no mood to study(which happens quite often...). I was thinking about the topic of my writing, suddenly my eyes fell on a book kept on my self nearby my bed . It was 'eleven minutes' by Paulo Coelho. While going through it I found the topic of my blog.....I thought what if I write about LOVE, although I would be the billionth person to write about it, and there had been hundreds of movies showing love in one way or the other. But it was the book in my hand which turned me from a college going boy to an Aristotle( only if i was present back then...).I am truly impressed by his writings, I had read some of them before 'The Alchemist' being one of them,but this was really different, a bit hatke......
" Men and women were not as they are now,there was just one being, who was rather short,with a body and a neck,but his head had two faces,looking in different directions.It was as if two creatures had been glued back to back,with two set of sex organs,four legs and four arms.
The Gods, however were jealous,because of this creature.With four arms it could work harder,with two faces it was always vigilant and could not be taken by surprise, and its four legs meant that it could stand or walk for long periods at a time without tiring.Even more dangerous was the fact that the creature had two different sets of sex organs and needed no one else in order to countinue reproducing.
Zeus,the supreme lord of Olympus said" I have a plan to make these mortal lose some of their strength."
And he cut the creature in two with a lighting bolt,thus creating men and women.This greatly increased the population of the wold and at the same time weakened its inhabitant,because now they had to search for their lost half and embrace it and ,in that embrace,regain their former srength,their ability to avoid betrayal and stamina to walk for long periods of time and to withstand hard work.That embrace in which two bodies re-fuse to become one again is what we call sex."
Huh......that's Paulo Coelho for you. I was truly bowled out when i read the above quoted lines.Later in his book he wrote that what if we took out the ' eleven minutes' in which one feels orgasm from ones lifes. All these million dollar industy would turn to ash,there would be no gyms,hairdressers,slim suits and all back biting would have vanished.All we do is for those eleven minutes, we spend our whole life in search of that.........
I really began to think about the world without the eleven minutes and the consequences start coming into my mind.....No boy would stare at girls on the roadside,there would be no fight,no heartbreaking,no Devdas..........and finally no competition.Wouldn't the life be more merrier? I was amost my questions and in a vain hope of finding there answers.When my friend knocked the door of my room and broke my hypothetical world without those eleven minutes.......